TRAC-IT Update 2024-02-16

Local System Managers, Contract Agencies and Independent Contractors:

Please note the following TRAC-IT updates and tips.

New Insurance Carrier Names: The dropdown list of insurance carrier names has been updated to reflect the change from Medicaid Medallion 4.0 and CCC-Plus to Cardinal Care and to add a couple of other brand names based on user request. For the change to Cardinal Care, SSG automatically migrated on 2/8/24 the insurance brand names from the old ones to the new ones for children who were open and had that insurance active on or after 1/1/24.

New Data Dictionary: An updated Data Dictionary has been posted to the TRAC-IT section of our website. The updates include a handful of additional ICD-10 codes requested by users, the new insurance carrier names, and the recent label change related to the Family Contact/Attempted Family Contact (previously labeled just Family Contact) field.

New Personalized Reporting Feature Available: The new personalized reporting feature for the Client Extract will be available in TRAC-IT no later than next Tuesday night for those user roles that have access to the Client Extract. This will allow you to develop and run your own reports with the information you select from that extract. To find this new option, click on the Reporting tab and select Personalized Reports. A video tutorial on how to use the personalized reporting feature is available on the TRAC-IT Documents page of our website, TRAC-IT Documents — Infant & Toddler Connection of Virginia ( You can contact the SSG Support Desk for additional assistance, if needed.

Transition Late Reasons at Discharge: At discharge, the screen indirectly prompts the user for reasons (by displaying "Reason for Late - Not Entered") in many of the boxes. However, that doesn't mean reasons are needed (or that the task in question was late). The only way to know for certain if late reason entries are needed is to try to complete the task. At that point, a warning prompt will indicate if any late reasons are needed. We are working with SSG to display some instructional text on the discharge screen explaining this, so users don’t spend time entering unnecessary data.




TRAC-IT Update 2024-02-08